Commercial Service

Mansfield Electric provides electric service to all Commercial and Industrial Customers within the Town of Mansfield. We are one of 41 public power electric utilities in Massachusetts. 

Public Power means:

We are locally owned by our ratepayers. They have a voice on how we operate. Decisions are made at the local level by the people they elect to serve on the Board of Light Commissioners. 

Mansfield Electric's rates are among the lowest residential rates in Massachusetts.  

We are reliable.  Mansfield Electric is one of less than 12% of the 2,000+ public power utilities in the nation to earn the prestigious Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) designation from the American Public Power Association (APPA). The RP3 designation recognizes MMED for providing customers with the highest degree of reliable and safe electric service based on industry-recognized leading practices for public power utilities in four important disciplines: Reliability, Safety, Workforce Development and System Improvement.

We are a part of the community.  MMED has recently completed LED lighting projects at the North Common, Old Colony Way, Route 140, Cabot Industrial Park. These project saved the Town about $40,000 in energy cost. Soon we will begin working on a project at public parking lot and adjacent walkway on North Main Street next to Mansfield Bank.